Have you ever noticed how sometimes pain occurs immediately after the thing that caused it, while other times it may take hours or days to register as a painful feeling? This is because only about 10% of your nervous system perceives and registers pain. While this is a nice way of our body protecting us from feeling unnecessary discomfort, it’s important to know this about ourselves so that we can be as healthy as possible.
Read MoreThe nervous system is the intricate network of nerves throughout our body that carries messages, impulses, and signals to control all of the body’s functions and systems. While the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system is made up of all the remaining nerves in the body. The peripheral nervous system can then be broken down into more divisions, including the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Somatic refers to voluntary movements and processes, whereas the autonomic system refers to the involuntary actions that occur within our bodies.
Read MoreDid you know that whiplash is the most common type of car accident injury? That’s because while your upper body is properly restrained by a seat belt, your head and neck are not. The force of the accident can cause your head to jolt violently forward and backward, causing your neck muscles to strain and stretch out of their regular range of motion.
Read MoreWhen you hear the word “addiction,” you might automatically think of alcohol or drug abuse, but people can actually be addicted to things other than substances, like stealing, lying, exercising, and disordered eating. Addiction is an umbrella term that refers to an action or substance that you can’t stop thinking about or wanting to do and that slowly begins to disrupt your life. Many addictive behaviors develop out of trying to manage pain, anxiety, or depression by seeking out substances or activities that temporarily make you feel better. However, these addictive behaviors can have significant negative effects on your life.
Read MoreHave you ever stood up too quickly and felt like the room was spinning? Or felt like you were on a boat in rough waters, but really you were just standing in your living room? You may have been experiencing vertigo. While some people may experience vertigo a few times in their life, others can get vertigo so frequently that it begins to disrupt their daily lives. If you struggle with episodes of vertigo that leave you feeling dizzy and unsettled, here’s how a chiropractor can help.
Read MoreThe thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. It has a lot of important jobs, such as regulating metabolism, controlling body temperature, and ensuring proper growth across the body. When the thyroid isn’t functioning as it should, either by overproducing or underproducing hormones, a lot of systems and functions of the body can go awry. Thyroid disorders are increasingly common in the United States nowadays, and many people are just now hearing about how beneficial chiropractic care can be for thyroid dysfunction.
Read MoreNeuroplasticity is a big word that simply refers to the brain’s ability to adapt, grow, and change. It was once thought that the brain was not “plastic,” or able to reorganize neural connections and acclimate to changes, but scientists now know that the brain does actually have a great deal of plasticity.
Read MoreSeeing someone you love suffer from Alzheimer’s disease can be incredibly challenging. As loved ones lose their ability to care for themselves and recognize people they love, interactions can become disheartening and downright devastating. While there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease or the symptoms and challenges associated with it, the progression of the disease can sometimes be slowed or stopped with certain treatments. While not everyone responds the same to these management techniques, hope and improved quality of life is possible for those dealing with Alzheimer’s. Neurologically-based chiropractic care is one treatment method that has hugely significant results with Alzheimer’s patients, and Dr. Paige Roth in Des Moines would love to help you and your loved ones overcome the struggles of living with Alzheimer’s.
Read MoreCystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs. It is a progressive disease that typically worsens with age, and it brings about recurring lung infections and breathing problems. Living with cystic fibrosis can be extremely challenging, as it requires a specific diet and chest physiotherapy, as well as specific medications, vitamins, and enzymes to be taken daily. While symptoms can be managed for most people with cystic fibrosis, the average life expectancy of those with this disease is only about 37 years old, though that age is increasing as more treatments and approaches are developed. For many individuals with cystic fibrosis, minimizing symptoms and improving quality of life is key, and being proactive and as healthy as possible is a huge part of overall wellness.
Read MoreDiabetes is all about how your body produces and responds to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Two types of diabetes exist—Type 1 occurs when the body doesn’t create enough insulin and Type 2 happens when the body responds improperly to insulin. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in our country, and millions of people are affected by this disease. About 34 million Americans have diabetes, but about 20% of those people don’t know they have it. Around one-third of Americans have pre-diabetes, and more than 80% of them don’t know they have it. While a small number of individuals suffer from Type 1 diabetes, which doesn’t have any specific known causes, the large majority of diabetics have Type 2 diabetes, which is directly linked to diet, weight, age, and activity level.
Read MoreThe largest nerve in the entire body is the sciatic nerve. Five nerve roots from the lower back joint together to form this nerve, and it passes from the back, through the hips, and into the legs. The sciatic nerve is best known for causing sciatica, which is any type of pain or neurological issue that originates from the sciatic nerve. In most cases, sciatica pain begins in the lower back and then travels down one side of the body, affecting the hip, buttocks, and leg. Sometimes, sciatica pain is severe, while other times it is merely an annoyance. No matter what level of frustration or pain you’re experiencing from your sciatica, know that you can treat it naturally and effectively with neurologically-based chiropractic care.
Read MoreWhen many of us think about chiropractic care, we think of seeking a way to alleviate back or neck pain. While this is a big component of the practice, the goal of chiropractic care is actually to improve and maintain overall health and wellbeing. When you visit Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth, she will see all parts of your health as interconnected and use her ability to realign the spine to improve a number of conditions. In fact, many people who suffer from allergies or asthma are able to find relief through chiropractic.
Read MoreHaving a newborn can be difficult, with the non-stop diaper changes, constant feedings, and figuring out a healthy sleep schedule. If you add colic to that, those first few months of your sweet baby’s life can be extremely challenging. Colic is defined as uncontrollable crying that occurs for seemingly no reason. If baby has slept, eaten, been changed, and really has no reason to be crying, colic may be the problem.
Read MoreArthritis refers to inflammation and stiffness in joints and is commonly associated with older adults. However, did you know arthritis can actually affect people of all ages? Men and women, young and old, can experience joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain because there are actually several different types of arthritis. A chiropractor can help identify which type of arthritis you are experiencing and provide you with quality chiropractic care to help reduce your symptoms and increase your quality of life.
Read MoreFibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that includes widespread pain throughout the body as well as problems with sleep, memory, mood, and more. Most commonly fibromyalgia presents itself after a physical or psychological trauma, or after a surgery or serious infection. While medical specialists aren’t exactly certain what causes fibromyalgia and there isn’t a specific cure, a variety of treatment options and lifestyle changes can help ease the pain of fibromyalgia and help those suffering from it live a happy, healthy life once again.
Read MoreAbout one-third of American adults have high blood pressure. In 2017, nearly half a million people died in the US alone due to high blood pressure as a primary or contributing factor. Only about half of people with documented hypertension have it under control, and their primary means of managing it is medication. While medication does lower blood pressure, it doesn’t usually bring it to an ideal level, and if the medication is stopped, the blood pressure will go right back up, meaning the problem isn’t actually corrected but rather covered up.
Read MoreMigraines are a type of headache that are notorious for their intensity and severity. They are commonly accompanied by other symptoms besides just head pain, such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting, and visual disturbances. Migraines may last a short time or they can last for days. They will often sideline you from your normal activities because the pain and symptoms are so severe. If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know how miserable they can be. Since migraines tend to be chronic and recurring, it’s a good idea to try to understand what triggers yours so that you can try to minimize their presence in the future. However, it’s also a great idea to have a plan to stay ahead of migraines and reduce the likelihood that they’ll occur again. Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines can help you find relief from painful migraines with natural, safe, and effective chiropractic care.
Read MoreNearly one in five Americans suffers from anxiety. Some people may have minor anxiety that only manifests itself in extremely stressful and difficult situations, while others may have crippling anxiety that affects their daily activities and makes it hard for them to function. Anxiety can bring about fear, confusion, worry, stomach pain, digestive problems, trouble concentrating, and more. It can also lead to more severe problems like chronic depression or panic attacks. If you or someone you love is struggling with anxiety, exploring all your options may be overwhelming. Thankfully, Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth can help you with natural and effective solutions for anxiety.
Read MoreThe number of people who suffer from allergies has increased in recent years, and about 50 million Americans suffer from nasal allergies alone. Depending on the severity, these allergies can range from minor annoyances to severe issues that affect day-to-day life. The most common symptoms of seasonal allergies are itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and sore or itchy throats. These are usually less life-threatening than things like food allergies, which account for millions more Americans. One of the most difficult things about suffering from allergies is that there is no cure but only preventative measures and ways to reduce the symptoms once they have occurred. Many people rely solely on medication, which provides relief but can have dangerous side effects and only covers the issue rather than resolving it. Allergy sufferers are finding that chiropractic care can be a safe and natural solution to manage their symptoms and that visiting a Des Moines chiropractor can bring relief.
Read MoreIt’s a fact of life that everybody will get sick at some point, whether it’s a cold, the flu, or something more serious. However, some people get sick more often than others, while others seem to avoid illness almost constantly. The difference between these two scenarios is how strong the person’s immune system is. The immune system helps the body to heal, but its primary job is to fight off viruses and bacteria, preventing illness. While many things can influence your immune system, it is directly controlled by the central nervous system, making chiropractic a natural choice to positively impact your immunity. Visiting a Des Moines chiropractor can offer your immune system the many benefits proven to come from a spinal adjustment.
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