How Chiropractic Care Benefits Infants & Children

As a parent, it can be stressful to try to make the right medical decisions for your children. In many cases, they require a different level of care than we do, or they may have specific ailments that affect them significantly. In most cases, things like strong medications may not be in their best interest. One type of care that is equally safe for you and your child alike is the chiropractic care offered at True Roots Chiropractic. Because of its natural approach, chiropractic adjustments can help improve the body and brain of practice members at any age. Dr. Paige Roth strives to be your choice of Des Moines chiropractor to help your children and keep them as healthy as possible.

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Paige Roth
Suffering from Back Pain? Chiropractic Care Can Help

Each year, Americans spend a collective $50 billion on back pain. This includes medication to relieve symptoms, but also lost wages from time missed at work and related medical bills. Over 31 million Americans complain of back pain in some manner, ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. Back pain can manifest in a number of ways, such as dull aches, stabbing sensations, severe and chronic pain, or pain that only happens when a specific movement occurs. These ailments can lead to a significant loss in quality of life and other adverse effects, like the inability to work or complete basic tasks. The spine is a complex system that can be injured further by ignoring pain and trying to carry on with your life. If you suffer from even mild back pain, contacting a Des Moines chiropractor is the best way to address the issue and prevent it from worsening or causing additional problems. Dr. Paige Roth focuses on overall health by addressing any spinal misalignments, bringing relief to those with back pain.

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Paige Roth
Can Chiropractic Care Prevent Ear Infections?

Otitis media, known commonly as an ear infection, is an ailment that we often see children suffer from. Chronic ear infections can be painful and every year, over half a million children have tubes surgically placed in their ears as a solution to ear infections. While this procedure is common, it is not a normal and natural procedure or problem. About 80% of ear infections resolve themselves on their own, and because of that, subjecting your child to risky medications and surgeries is not always the best option. Seeing a Des Moines chiropractor can be a natural way to overcome the pain of chronic ear infections and it is incredibly safe for children, not to mention extremely effective.

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Paige Roth
Four Reasons to Seek Chiropractic Care for IBS Symptoms

Over 55 million Americans suffer from IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a digestive issue that can be painful and have negative effects on your day-to-day life. IBS can cause gas, bloating, stomach pain, and irregularity in bowel movements. These symptoms can range from merely annoying to debilitating, depending on the severity. If you are suffering from IBS, visiting Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth could offer relief. Keep reading to learn four ways that regular chiropractic care can help with IBS.

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Paige Roth
Chiropractic Care and Sinus Problems

Sinus problems are very uncomfortable feelings that have a negative affect on your day to day lifestyle. But what does visiting a chiropractor have to do with solving sinus issues? Well did you know that chiropractic care and sinus problems are very related to one another. With this article our experts explain how sinus problems occur and why seeing a chiropractor is a good solution to help cure sinuses. 

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How to Choose the Right Chiropractor For You

When deciding on who to visit for your next chiropractic appointment, how do you determine which chiropractor will be best for you? There’s plenty of factors you should consider such as credentials, recommendations, quality of services, care for patients, etc.

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Sleeping Tips to Help Improve Your Chiropractic Health

Have you ever woken up with back or neck pain and don’t understand why? Well odds are it’s your sleeping posture that is at fault. This post from our experts aims to provide you with some sleeping posture tips and help improve your daily sleeping routine.

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4 Common Myths About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a medical practice that for some unknown reason tends to have some common myths associated with it. Whether it’s about receiving adjustments, practice areas, or age, there is a lot of inaccurate information about chiropractic care that floats around online.

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True Roots Chiropractic: Grand Opening in Des Moines

The day is finally here - True Roots Chiropractic has officially opened its doors! We are a chiropractic office in Des Moines serving the Greater Des Moines area.

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